February 27, 2015

Feeling Weak..

I am in a black and white mood right now.. either of it dont defines happiness nor sadness. Its a complicated feelings i guess. Its just that i feel so down and troubled by many things and the responsibility is knocking me out. Being a wife. A mother of 3 kids. And a daughter and sister to my family. This task i have to conquer were all heavy in my shoulder. My knees were bending as more responsibility were pouring. I feel like dying out anytime soon. Headaches almost all day today. Got too much task being asked of me.. but hey! Im just a human. Capable of getting tired of all this work and the task your asking me. I wish i had enough resources to give all they need. And for me to be able to feel much better.. but thats it another problem is where to get more resources. Its hard and difficult to raise a big family.. Could somebody please help me. I want to get back on my knees. If only i can still work on my own and make my own resources... maybe it will be better. I dont want to be of burden and always be blamed in the end. The place and position i have now is the toughess job maybe. Sometimes i dont know which is much better.. being alone or being with someone to share all this responsibility. We can be happy and sad sometimes. Or i can be alone and fulfilled somehow. I wish my worries will end soon and we can all move on to live a peaceful life.

That's all! Goodnight.


Japan life

First of all I would like to apologized for not updating my blog in this website. Been busy this past year 2021 along with this pandemic and...