November 26, 2017

The reasons why you should not break-up even if your not inlove.

People with solid relationships struggle in their marriages. Many of the problems come from us making poor choices like not making time for our spouses and a lack of intimacy. There are a few essential ingredients to keep a marriage going. Things like hard work, communication and support goes a long way. But maybe you've done all the right things and are falling out of love with your partner. Or maybe your spouse told you that they are not in love anymore. Does this mean the marriage is over or that you should get a divorce? It is natural to think along those lines. If you believe that the love is gone in your relationship, it doesn't need to be a death sentence for your marriage. Here are the reasons that you should not end a relationship because you believe that the love is gone. First, They Make You a Better Person. Sometimes we get stuck in our lives and this includes our relationship. A bond will make you a better person or make you a worse person. Take a moment to see if the person you are with still brings out the best in you. If you have learned to be a better fighter, a better friend, a better parent or a better neighbor, there is value here. If you guys can still laugh after a fight and keep it civil--keep the relationship going and don't give up. There is something there that is significant and merits saving.  Second, Don't Trust Your Feelings. Feelings are up and feelings are occasionally down. Welcome to life, friend. The same holds true in your marriage. Sometimes you want to be with them and sometimes you want to leave the country for more space. Even then, the miles are not enough. The next moment you are sending loving texts their way. You get the picture. Don't go by your feelings to conclude if you are in love or not. Feelings will lie to you and they will lead you astray. You really can't gauge a relationship by this. Feelings are fickle, so beware on how to move onward. Third, They are Your Go-To Person. If you are going through a tough time, who is the person you go to first? If it is your spouse, obviously there is something there. A healthy relationship is based on a mutual give and take. If you both rely on each other--they're still the first person in your life for support. People search high and low for a person that will be strong and dependable. If you are pissed off at them, it clouds your thinking of how you seemingly do love them. When the dust settles, who are you going to reach out to? If it is your spouse, you have the answer to any lingering doubts. Fourth, You Fight Fair. You are probably fighting as you read this. However, if you can fight fair and without feeling disrespected, unloved or feel that you are in danger because of tempers flying--you guys are better than most couples. If you have the discipline to walk away to cool down and to take a breather, that is a great indicator that you have evolved as a couple. Most fights are not productive. But if you are making headway and you are both hearing each other out, you are making progress. That is half the battle as many times people will draw fights out for lengthy periods of time. Fifth, You Still Communicate. Maybe communication is not the problem, it is how you communicate. There will be times when you don't want to deal with them or they are not listening. This is not an anomaly. People become tired, are working and sometimes don't have a lot to offer. Poor communication is usually the culprit. There could be one who is passive aggressive and doesn't know how to communicate and one who is always communicating but in the wrong way. We just have to find a happy medium where we can get on the same page and establish better communication skills. And last but not the least, You Still Have Feelings for Them. If you search your heart, you know that there is still a spark for your spouse. There was just a disconnection along the way. This doesn't mean you don't love each other or that you are not compatible, it might be a lack of intimacy. You both might need to seek counseling to figure out what happened. The marriage could be renewed as you work through some things. For example, if you are feeling bored in your relationship, start working towards changing it and ask the therapist for advice. A marriage is a commitment, so don't discount or be afraid to ask for help. People fall in and out of love. That is true. But before you claim that you have no love for them, think for a moment before making the wrong choice. In a world that tells us to go with our feelings all the time, we need to become more patient when making the larger decisions when it comes to our marriage.

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