December 31, 2019

Happy New year Reflection

✨Happy New year! Welcome 2020 🤗😇🙏

Today we are about to say farewell to 2019. Welcome new year 2020, where mostly of us would say its a new chapter in our live's. For some its also the time to renew their life paths, go in a different direction. Find the better you, your purpose in life and searching for real happiness. We are never contented with the life we have now. We start all over again and make things much more better than the previous year. Every new year we always assumed good things to happen. We feel thankful that we live for another year and we are still given a chance to be a better person. To be with the most important people in our life.

For all the things that happened to us God is always with us. Whenever were in doubt, troubled, unsure, in pain, or experienced injustice we would always call for God's help. In this coming year, God can do it again. I want to share with you some words of wisdom. I hope you continue to read until end of this message and reflect in yourself. Thank you.

Psalm 78:11-12
They forgot what he had done, the wonders he had shown them. He did miracles in the sight of their ancestors in the land of Egypt, in the region of Zoan.

God performed miracle after miracle for the Israelites. He supernaturally brought them out of slavery. He sent plagues upon their enemies. When they came to a dead end at the Red Sea, with Pharaoh and his army chasing them, it looked like their lives were all over, but the water parted. They went through the sea on dry ground. God gave them water out of rock and led them by the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. But in spite of all of this, they never made it into the Promised Land.

Psalm 78 tells why. It says, "They forgot what God had done. They didn't remember His amazing miracles." When you forget what you should be remembering, it can keep you out of your Promised Land. The Israelites became discouraged, started complaining, and asked Moses, " Why did you bring us out here to die in the desert?" When they faced an enemy, they thought, "We dont have a chance." They already had seen God do the impossible, but because they forgot about it, they were afraid, worried, and negative. It kept them from their destiny.
Are you forgetting what God has done for you? Have you let what once was a miracle become ordinary? It doesn't excite you anymore. You dont thank God for it. Look back over your life and remember that God brought you to where you are, big things and small things. You'll know if God did it for you once, He can do it for you again. You may get discouraged and think, "I dont see how I'll ever get out of this problem." But when that happens, go back and remember the Red Seas that God has parted for you. Everyone of us can look back and see the hand of God in our lives. God has opened doors that should have never opened for you, just as He did for the Israelites. He's helped you accomplish things you never could have accomplished on your own. He's brought you out of difficulties that you thought you'd never survive. He's protected, promoted, and given you opportunity. Remember that God brought you to where you are, big things and small things. Dwell on the fact that Almighty God has been and is on your side. Stand on the fact that He's promised to fight your battles for you. He can do it again.

Father God, thank You for all the amazing things You've done in my life, for the victories You've helped me win, for the restoration, the vindication, and the favor You've shown. Help me to remember the doors You've opened for me and for the times You've protected, promoted, and given me opportunities. Amen.

Japan life

First of all I would like to apologized for not updating my blog in this website. Been busy this past year 2021 along with this pandemic and...