In a small village there lives a maiden named Ada. She has a small family and raised by a sailor Jose who live nearby the sea. She was the only girl with two younger brother Miko and Gary. Their mother Maria was a tailor and a trader. Their family lives in peace and simple. She remembered when she was little her father would take her to his work and there while her father is working she would be playing all around the big boat. That goes all the time until she reached 6 and its time for her schooling. it was a sad feeling for she cant go with her father at work anymore and she will be getting less time to play.
"Daddy, daddy, daddy! I want to go with you. Pls! pls! take me with you. I want to come with you at work." Ada was crying out loud but felt helpless to go with her father. Her father assured her," Don't cry anymore baby, when I come back I will get you a present and we buy chocolate in Aunty Jely's store, ok? So stop crying now, you'd be late for your first day of school." So suddenly Ada stops crying and silently went back inside their house made of half cement, wooden bamboo, flywood and their roof was made out of dry coconut leaves. It was a simple house but its her home where they grew love for their family. Ada seen her mother and father so close and sweet with each other. Taking good care of each other always, bidding him a goodbye kiss everytime her father leaves and a welcome home kiss when he returns from work. That's really how she grew up learning that kind of love and care from her parents.
As she was walking to her new school, she feel a little nervous and yet excited to see how it is to be in school. Her mother said she can learn a lot in school. She can even make new friends. "Really Mommy? I can have more playmates? Can we all go to the garden and play in the grass too?", Ada was feeling so excited all of a sudden. Her mother smiled and say,"Yes you can Ada but you must always be a good girl and behave in school. Always follow what your teacher tell you. Ok?", then Ada answered politely," Yes Mommy I will be a good girl. Don't worry teacher will be happy because I already know how to write my name and I can also count." Then her mother went back home after sending her to school. She promised to fetch her after school. So she behave even when she felt alone after her mother left her. As the class started, the teacher tell them to introduce their self in front of the class. Some children were starting to cry and didn't even bother to stand up from their seats. Only a few of them did. When it was her turn, she bravely stand and smile to the teacher and face her classmates while introducing herself. They seems all so quietly looking at her and some stops crying. She deliver it well and the teacher even made her praised. She feel more confident now. Then suddenly on their recess some of her classmates made her friends. Then they go running around and play. When she get tired she would sit back and take out a paper and draw. That's one of her favorite thing to do. Makes her happy and relax. Her mind is full of ideas and imagination. Then the ring bells.. time is up. Today she survived the first day. She cant wait for tomorrow and learn new things. Her mother collect her from school. While on their way back to her house Ada keeps on talking and telling her mother what she did and what happened in school, she talk non-stop until they reached their home. She play with her younger brother Miko while her mother tends to their youngest Gary, he is barely 1 yr old. She then get her present from her father after he got back from work. He also brings some noodle soup for her mother and she share chocolates with her brothers. It was a picture of a happy family. Simply living peaceful with love and harmony in their small home. It stays that way for 12 years...
To be continued on the next chapter...
Thank you for reading. Keep updated!
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