January 18, 2017

Will love ever live again?

Losing someone who is still physically alive but not physically together with you.

I used to say that divorce is like being in love with a ghost, he/she is alive for someone else but not for you.

Today I want to introduce you to a truth.

One that I believe is more real for better or for worse than the one that we are humanly aware of.

The answer to ‘will that love ever live again’ is always a yes. Whether it is here in this time and space experience or in another one, the answer is always yes.

And if you ask this question.

"What if you still hold the love but they do not."

Holding love for someone is an experience that is far more complex than we can see.

One of the reasons why separations are so impossible and difficult it is because of something called quantum entanglement.

The word entanglement in quantum physics refers to particles that can be intimately linked to each other even if separated by space, time and everything you can imagine.

Whatever happens to one particle in one location will influence the other.

When there is unity and then a separation, the particles can never be the same as they once were.

They have been forever entangled.

They have been forever defined by each other. Even in part.

You are still interacting with the person you are separated from via something called spooky action at a distance. Einstein said that particles such as electrons can also become ‘entangled’ no matter how far apart they are!

This is why it is so hard to truly ever separate with someone we loved or still love.

For you, this connection with him/her is operating outside of time and space.

It is illogical and impractical through our human eyes.

But if we look at it from a quantum view we would see this connection that does not break no matter what the physical world looks like.

And if you pay attention you will actually start to notice a lot of correlations between the two of you.

The entanglement of love will create an invisible interaction even if you or him/her wish for it to be different. There is nothing anyone can do about it.

You are connected and intimately linked to each other even if separated by many lifetimes.

Our interactions with one another are internal, energetic and in a subatomic level through a unifying field.

How so?

Here is a breakdown of how this happens.

The whole universe is made up of one energy source.

This energy is a part of everything.

Your thoughts, your particles were joined and when they separated they were connected beyond a physical form. 

Your nervous system was beating in alignment with his/her when you were together and still does now.

If only we could find a way to see this invisible entanglement we would notice that distance, separation and disconnection does not change the fact that you are connected.

Now, I know that this does not help with the physical feeling of loving someone who is not with you every day. And it doesn’t make the human separation any easier to deal with just because you now know that you are forever entangled with him. But what it does do is give an awareness to the fact that there is never any real separation.

There is never a true goodbye. If we can see beyond this physical form or even this one life, then we will see that it has always been ‘until we meet again.’

For now and for this moment know that your love for each other still exists beyond disagreements, beyond human decisions it lives on and on.

And if somehow we were able to be happy with knowing this then we would also find the strength and courage to fall in love again with someone else creating a new entanglement across the universe. After all we are here to love more than once or twice.

With unlimited entanglement to you. So keep on loving. Its the ultimate happiness we can ever have.. Loving and being loved.

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