October 27, 2017

Keeping the love alive

Finally, my heart jumps in happiness. I could finally loose my tension slowly now that the king of my heart is returning to what we were before. Im drowning in this feeling of intense love and care he is showing me. Truly action speaks louder than words. I just cant get enough of his everyday gesture in showing how he cant live without my love and care too. I feel like we are lovers again..
Thank you Lord for answering my  prayers. Truly you listen to the prayer of righteous. I know that you will never forsake me because i am your child. My faith is deeper in your promised. I feel grateful for slowly making his heart and mind clearer against immoral acts. Im thankful that he is choosing to do what is right and follow his heart. Im thankful that he gets his realization right on time. Its your perfect timing. All this troubles were going through on our basic needs were just minor problems that makes us grow stronger in faith with each other. Together we are facing the same direction. We are working on our long term goal.. Keeping everyone in our small family happy and enjoy what we have.
I thank you my loving husband for showing me that there is light at the end of darkness. The rainbow comes after the storm. Let us always be thankful and grateful to God for giving our marriage a chance and for providing our every needs. Im contented in whatever you can give us.. Im not asking for more. You are enough for me and our kids. I love you my dear husband, my forever partner and my other half. My life is not complete without you. I promise to be by your side no matter how old we get and when you're weak i will be your strength. I will take care of you just like how you are taking care of us right now. May God blessed you wisdom and knowledge in every decision you will make. Continue to be good and you'll be rewarded in no time. Its God's promised.

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