October 1, 2016

Living a New Life

Life is a journey, a short walk, a diary in which we write our own story. Its course is unpredictable. It is one-way street. It must live forward. No matter how many detours you take, none of them leads back.
Life is a mixture of good and evil, of success and failure. It is what you make it. Life gives you time and space, it's up to you to fill it. Its measure is not the duration, but its donation.

"Life is a mission. Every other definition of life is false, and leads all who accept it astray."

Life itself is pay enough. We should be contented of its requisites.
>Health enough to make work a pleasure,
>Wealth enough to support your needs,
>Strength to battle with difficulties and overcome them,
>Grace enough to confess your sins and forsake them,
>Patience enough to toil until some good is accomplished,
>Charity enough to see some good in your neighbor,
>Love enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others,
>Faith enough to make real the things of God,
>Hope enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future.

The purpose of life is a life of purpose. The purpose is energetic aim, keen zest in striving and urgency to constant effort to make the most of life.

"Everyone who breathes, high and low, educated and ignorant, young and old, man and woman, has a mission, has a work. We are not sent into this world for nothing; we are not born at random; we are not here that we may go to bed at night, and get up in the morning, toil for our bread, eat and drink, laugh and joke, sin when we have a mind, and reform when we are tired of sinning, rear a family and die. God sees everyone of us; He creates everyone... for a purpose."

If a person has a "Why" to live, he can endure almost any "How". But if that dimension of "Why" is lacking, then the whole structure of one's life eventually collapses.

If you know and decide on a goal, you can better prepare for achieving it. This tips maybe helpful:
KEEP YOUR SENSE OF DIRECTION: Take time out occasionally to reflect and consult your inner compass - your best self.
OBSERVE THE SPEED LIMITS: Set a space that won't burn you out before you reach your destination.
WATCH YOUR ROAD SIGNS: Each day there are indications of danger, direction on how to proceed, signs of progress. Look for them. Respond to them.
STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN: Pay attention to the task you are doing and the persons you are with.
BE CONCERNED FOR CO-WORKERS: Give them support and offer them good companionship. Do unto others as though you were the others.
REFUEL: Discuss the topic with experienced persons and read books on the subject. The aim is not enough, you must hit. The truth is no one can ever fulfill your desire except you. Pray.

Man is endowed with will-power and its education and strengthening is the object of our existence. God make us brave for life. When we direct ourselves for a fixed mission, we stamp out our own freedom to grow and change. Everyone meets life with a personal response. We have no fixed personality. It is self-limiting and it denies us our power of continuous creation. Self-creation happens once self-motivation is mastered. With their average intellect every man and woman have a clear perception of how they can achieve their goal and with due application and labor they can win. Of course, they need watchfulness because of the tendency to be negligent and repose in vain security.

Life begins and blossoms at home. Psychologists say children receive 60 percent of their life from their parents and the 40 percent from the environment in which they live. The stars in heaven are shining guides and inspiration for everyone to be ongoing, become emotionally strong, socially caring and working for the well-being of all.


God bless you all! Have a nice day...c",)

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