April 2, 2010

Age differences..

I'll be honest here -- I like them older. Save for my first boyfriend, who was just two years older than me, the men I've dated and clicked with have generally been anywhere from six to 20 years my senior. Now, a 18-year age difference may not be the norm or "average," but I hardly think it's a strong predictor for the success of a relationship. After all, nearly half of those couples with the "ideal" age difference between them get divorced. It amuses me how shocked people continue to be about an age discrepancy.
Age itself isn't a factor in compatibility. It's elements like maturity and life experience, which tend to correlate with age, that can make or break a relationship's long-term potential. But so can future goals, background, culture, family, career, personality, and physical chemistry. I think that the combination of those factors (maturity and life experience included) takes precedence over whether or not your significant other gets your clever "Beverly Hillbillies" reference. And while we're at it, can we retire lingo like "cougar" and "cradle-robber." It condescends to both parties and is on par with sticking a cutesy label on someone who dates outside their own race or background. Age and maturity often go hand in hand, but you can certainly have one without the other.
I do have one (admittedly hypocritical) rule when it comes to dating much older men. To weed out the creeps, I always ask if they generally date women as young as me. If they make a habit of looking for women at the local college campus, I move on. I want to be the exception, not the rule.

God bless you all!
Have a nice day...c",)

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